pH Measurement in Hydroponics

Measuring and maintaining the pH level of the nutrient solution is critical for healthy plant growth. There are several methods of measuring pH in hydroponics, each with its advantages and disadvantages. In this blog post, we will discuss the most common methods of measuring pH in hydroponics.

  1. pH Test Strips

pH test strips are the simplest and most affordable method of measuring pH. These strips are coated with a pH-sensitive dye that changes color when exposed to a solution. To use pH test strips, dip the strip into the nutrient solution for a few seconds, remove it, and compare the color to a chart provided with the strips. While pH test strips are easy to use, they can be less accurate than other methods and do not provide a numerical reading.

  1. Liquid pH Indicators

Liquid pH indicators are a more accurate method of measuring pH. These solutions change color based on the pH level of the solution. To use liquid pH indicators, add a few drops of the solution to a small sample of the nutrient solution, and compare the color to a chart provided with the indicator. While liquid pH indicators are more accurate than test strips, they can be more time-consuming to use and require more precision when measuring.

  1. pH Probes

pH probes are electronic devices that measure the pH level of the nutrient solution. These probes use a glass electrode to measure the pH level and provide a digital readout of the pH level. pH probes are convenient, easy to use, and provide accurate and reliable measurements. Our FLORATek control systems use high-quality laboratory-grade pH probes to measure the pH of your hydroponic solution. 

A pH probe consists of a sensing element and a reference element. The sensing element is a glass electrode that is sensitive to changes in the hydrogen ion concentration of the solution. The reference element, on the other hand, is a silver/silver chloride electrode that provides a stable reference voltage.

When the pH probe is submerged in the nutrient solution, the hydrogen ions in the solution interact with the sensing element of the pH probe. This interaction causes a small voltage signal to be generated, which is proportional to the pH of the solution. The voltage signal is then transmitted to the FLROATek control, which converts the signal into a pH reading that is displayed on the screen and used to control the dosing pumps.

pH probes need to be calibrated regularly to ensure accurate readings. Proper calibration is essential to ensure that the pH probe is providing accurate and reliable readings. All of our FLORATek systems include calibration solutions and are quick and easy to calibrate. 

Graduate from measuring pH with strips to using a high-tech FLORATek system today! 

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